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As frontend developers, we often face the challenge of transforming a complex API into an intuitive experience for the end user. We need to account for all possible inputs for every API call, while only showing the user those inputs that are relevant to them. In this article, we will show how to add query params to a web applications, so that we can greatly enhance both the experience of the users and our own development experience.

Introducing the NASA APOD API

Let's take for example the NASA APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) API. The docs define a base url and the parameters that the API can accept, which include date, start_date, end_date and count:

ParameterType                    DefaultDescription
dateYYYY-MM-DDtodayThe date of the APOD image to retrieve
start_dateYYYY-MM-DDnoneThe start of a date range, when requesting date for a range of dates. Cannot be used with date.
end_dateYYYY-MM-DDtodayThe end of the date range, when used with start_date.
countintnoneIf this is specified then count randomly chosen images will be returned. Cannot be used with date or start_date and end_date.
thumbsboolFalseReturn the URL of video thumbnail. If an APOD is not a video, this parameter is ignored. key for expanded usage

However, not all params can be given at the same time. The API expects either date or start date and end date or count*.* Since a combination of two or more is not allowed, we cannot pass, for example, count and date.

Translating the API into a User Interface

We can make this intuitive to the end user by displaying a dropdown with options to search by, and display only the relevant input fields based on the user's choice:

  • If the user selects to search by “count”, the would be presented with a single numeric input.
  • If the user selects “data”, they would be presented with a single date picker.
  • If the user selects “range”, they would be presented with two date pickers, one to select the start date and one to select the end date.

Searching APOD by a date range

So, depending on their selection, the user would be presented with either a single date picker, two date pickers (for start and end dates) or a number input.

Storing the user input in query params

To easily keep track of the user's selection, we can store their “search by” choice, along with the values of their inputs, as query params in the page's url. For example, when selecting to search by range and filling in a start date and an end date, the query params would include:searchBy, start and end.

Searching apod with query parameters

In total, the query string would contain ?searchBy=range&start=2022-06-21&end=2023-06-21. And given this query, we have all we need to determine the values of each of the input fields. So if the user were to refresh the page, the input fields would be populated with the correct values.

A simple data flow

This allows us to create a simple flow of data, where input by the user updates the query params, and the query params are used as input for the application itself. This can be illustrated in the following diagram:

The query parameter flow

On page load, we would validate the query params, and use the validated values to both populate input fields and make the correct API calls. For example, if the query string is:

?searchBy=range&start=2022-06-21&end=2023-06-21, these are the query params:

  • searchBy with the value “range”
  • start with the value 2022-06-21
  • end with the value, 2023-06-21

Given these query params, we can populate the input fields:

  • The “search by” dropdown with the value "range",
  • The “start date” picker with the date of 06/21/2022,
  • The “end date” picker with the date of 06/21/2023

Making the API Call

We can also use the query params to make an API call to APOD, providing it with the start date and end date. The following would be the complete URL of the API call:


Finally, the response of the API call will be used to display the search results. When the user updates any of the input fields, whether it's any of the date selections or the “search by” option, the query params in the url would be updated, starting over the cycle.


Of course, there are many additional considerations. For example, we may want to perform validations when receiving the user's input. We would also want to ensure that the API calls we make are correct: passing the right params and knowing the shape of the response are just a few of the common problems in that space. Having an SDK can make this process easier: here at liblab we make the it easy for developers to create an SDK from any API, allowing the communication with their backend to be as simple as making a function call.

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So you have started a new project. The field is green, the air is fresh, there are no weeds, how exciting!

But where do you start? What is the first thing you do?

Surely you should write some code?

Well, no.

You must have had shiny new projects before, but they mostly turned out sour at some point, became hard to understand and to collaborate in, and very slow to add new changes.

If you are wondering why, we will explore the common causes, and more importantly, solutions that we can adopt to prevent such things from happening.

These causes can range from more than one naming convention, multiple contradicting rules, improperly formatted code, no tests, which results in an overall very frightening environment to make changes in.

Which rules should you follow?

How should you format your code?

How can you be sure that your changes have not broken anything?

It would be good if we knew all the answers to these questions.

It would be even better if you didn't have to concern yourself with these issues and could solely focus on coding.

It would be best if anyone on our project didn’t have to worry about them and could just focus on coding.

The key resource in software development is time, and the faster we are able to make changes and move forward, the greater advantage we will have in the market.

There is a saying, preparation is half the battle and in this blog post we will explore various techniques we can apply to our project to help us maintain velocity and quality throughout the lifetime of the project.

Chapter 1: Setup

So you open the project in your favorite IDE and it is basically empty.

You don’t know where to start or what to do first?

Ideally, before writing any code, we should invest time into setup. To elaborate, by investing we mean paying a certain price now in order to reap greater benefits in the long run. The main intention behind this time investment is to make it easy and fast for us to make changes in the existing codebase no matter how large it grows. This also means that new members that join the project can understand the system and its convention with as little effort as possible and be confident in the changes they are making.

But what should we invest in?

If we can sum up what makes a software project good it’s very simple:

The code should be easy to understand, test and change.

That may sound too simple, but ultimately, it’s the truth.

As programmers, we want to write super powerful and reusable code, but in practice that results in files and functions that span hundreds, if not thousands of lines, have tens of parameters and behave in a myriad of ways, depending on how we call them. This makes them very hard to understand and test, which means that it takes a lot of time to change them. And if there is one constant in software: is that it changes. Setting us up correctly will save a lot of time in the long run and make it less frightening to make changes.

Code repository

Even if you are going to be working alone on a project, it is a very good idea to use a VCS (version control system).

So naturally the first thing, even before opening your IDE, should be to setup the code repository of your choice. This means that you should pick your main branch and protect it. No one, including yourself, should be allowed to directly push to it, instead all changes should be made through pull requests.

Yes, if you are working alone, you should be reviewing your own PRs. This additional filter will catch many ill-committed lines before they reach production code.


A red sign with please stay on the path on it in white writing.

Linters are tools that analyze source code for potential logical errors, bugs, and generally bad practices. They can help us enforce rules which helps improve code quality, readability, maintainability, and consistency across a codebase.

There are many linters to choose from:

  1. ESLint
  2. JSLint
  3. JSHint

How they are setup varies widely on the specific providers, but most of them support a common set of rules.

The most popular and recommended provider is ESLint, below are some important rules that every project should have:

  • complexity The number one time consumer in understanding and changing code is complexity, luckily we can enforce simplicity in code using this rule. This rule analyses and limits the number of logical statements in one function:

    function a(x) {
    if (true) {
    return x; // 1st path
    } else if (false) {
    return x + 1; // 2nd path
    } else {
    return 4; // 3rd path
    } // complexity = 3
  • no explicit any The pseudo type any means that our variable or object can have literally any field or value. This is the equivalent of just removing typing. There might be times where we think about reaching for this unholy type, but more often than not we can avoid it by using other typing mechanisms such as generics. The following example shows how to resist the temptation and use careful thinking to solve a type “problem”

    function doSomethingWithFoo(foo: any): any {
    ... // do something with foo
    return foo;
    function doSomethingWithFoo<T>(foo: T): T {
    ... // do something with foo
    return foo;

    However, if you don’t have access to a certain type, you can use the built-in helpers such as:

    ReturnType<someLibrary['someFunction']> and Parameters<someLibrary['someFunction']>

    Alternatively you can use unknown instead of any which is safer because it will require you to cast the operand into a type before accessing any of it’s fields.

  • explicit return types Enforces explicit return types in functions. Although it is possible for the language interpreter to infer the return types of functions, it is recommended to be explicit about them so that know how some function is intended to be used, instead of guessing.

  • no-undef Disallow usage of undeclared variables.

  • no-unused-vars This is a rule that does not allow for us to have unused variables, functions or function parameters.

    We can do this by adding this rule:

    "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": ["error"]

    Unused code is an unnecessary burden, since we need to maintain it and fear deleting it once it arrives to our main branches, so it’s best to prevent this from even being merged. However, there will be cases such as method overloading or when implementing an interface, where we will need to match the signature of a method, including the parameters, but we might not be using all of them.

    Imagine we have an interface:

    interface CanSchedule {
    schedule(startTime: Date, endTime: Date);

    Now we want to implement this interface, however, we won’t be using both of the arguments:

    class Scheduler implements CanSchedule {
    // throws an error since endTime is unused!
    schedule(startTime: Date, endTime: Date) {
    console.log(`scheduling something for ${startTime.toDateString()}`);

    In that case we can add an exception to this rule, not to apply to to members with a prefix such as _. This can be done in eslint with the following rules:

    "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": [
    "argsIgnorePattern": "^_",
    "varsIgnorePattern": "^_",
    "caughtErrorsIgnorePattern": "^_"

    Now we can write something like:

    class Scheduler implements CanSchedule {
    // No longer throws an error
    schedule(startTime: Date, _endTime: Date) {
    console.log(`scheduling something for ${startTime.toDateString()}`);
  • typedef Enforces us to define types for most of the fields and variables.

    No cutting corners!

💡 However, if you find it too time consuming to set up lint rules manually, you can probably find an already configured linter with the rules that best suite your taste.

Here is a useful list of popular linter configurations for typescript:


A red lipstick

There is a saying in my native language: A hundred people, a hundred preferences.

Now imagine a project where every developer introduced their preference in coding style. Yeah, it’s terrifying for me too.

Now imagine that you can avoid all of that. Good thing is that we don’t have to imagine, we can just use a prettier. Prettier enforces a consistent code-style, which is more important than one developer’s preference.

It is very simple to setup and use:

# install it
npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
# add an empty configuration file
echo {}> .prettierrc.json
# format your code
npx prettier --write .

Configure it however you prefer, no one can tell you which style is good or bad, however only two important javascript caveats comes to mind:

  • Please use semicolons.


    Javascript compilers will automatically insert semicolons in the compilation stage ASI, and if there are none, they will try to guess where they should be inserted which may result in undesired behavior:

    const a = NaN
    const b = 'a'
    const c = 'Batman'
    (a + b).repeat(3) + ' ' + c

    Now you might think this code will result in 'NaNaNaNaNaNa Batman' but it will actually fail with Uncaught TypeError: "Batman" is not a function (unless there is a function named Batman in the upper scope).

    Why is that?

    Javascript compilers will interpret this as

    const a = NaN;
    const b = 'a';
    const c = 'Batman'(a + b).repeat(3) + ' ' + c;

    due to the lack of explicitness in regards to semicolons.

    Luckily, the semi rule is enabled by default, so please don’t change it;

  • Use trailing commas,

    This is often overlooked, and might seem like it makes no difference but there is one:

    It means when you add a new property, you will need to add a comma AND the property, which is not only more work, but will result as 2 line changes in VCS (git).

    const person = {
    age: 30,
    - height: 180
    + height: 180,
    + pulse: 60,

    instead of

    const person = {
    age: 30,
    height: 180,
    + pulse: 60,

Ok, now what?

Ok so you have setup types, lint and formatting.

But you have to fix lint and prettier errors all the time and your productivity is taking a nose dive.

Oh but wait, there are commands you can run that will fix all linting errors and pretty your code? That’s really nice but only if you didn’t have to manually run these commands…

Automated ways of linting and prettying

Now if you’re smart (or lazy like me) you can just configure some tool to do this tedious job for you.

Some of the options are:

  1. Configure your IDE to run this on save
  2. Using onchange
  3. Introduce a pre-commit hook

Ideally, you want to run lint error fixing formatting on every save, but if your IDE or machine does not support this, you can run it automatically prior to every git commit command.

Ok, now you are ready and probably very eager to go write some code, so please do so, but come back for chapter 2, because there are important things to do after writing some code.

Or if you prefer TDD, jump straight to chapter 2.

Chapter 2: tests

So you have written and committed some nicely linted and formatted code (or you prefer writing tests first).

That is amazing, but is it enough?

Simply put, no.

It might look like a waste of time, and a tedious task, but tests are important, mmkay?

Mr Mackey from South Park with the caption Test are important Mmkay

So why is having tests important?

  1. Ensures code quality and correctness: Automated tests serve as a safety net, allowing you to validate the functionality and behavior of your code. By running tests regularly, you can catch bugs, errors, and regressions early in the development process, preferably locally, even before you push them upstream!
  2. Facilitates code maintenance and refactoring: As projects evolve, code often needs to be modified or refactored. Automated tests provide confidence that the existing functionality remains intact even after changes are made. They act as a safeguard, helping you identify any unintended consequences or introduced issues during the refactoring process.
  3. Encourages collaboration and serves as documentation: When multiple developers work on a project, automated tests act as a common language and specification for the expected behavior of the code. They promote collaboration by providing a shared understanding of the system's requirements and functionality. Also, since tests can be named whatever we want, we can use this to our advantage to describe what is expected from some component that might not be that obvious.
  4. Reduces time and effort in the long run: While writing tests requires upfront investment, it ultimately saves time and effort in the long run. Automated tests catch bugs early, reducing the time spent on manual debugging.
  5. Enables continuous integration: Since tests serve as some sort of a contract description, we can now make changes in functionality while asserting and validating if have broken their contract towards other components. They enable continuous integration by providing a reliable filter for potential bugs and unwanted changes in behavior. Developers can quickly detect any issues introduced by new code changes, allowing for faster iteration and deployment cycles.

Writing code without tests is like walking a rope without a safety net. Sure, you may get across, but failing might be catastrophic.

Let’s say that we have some complex and unreadable function but we have a test for it:

function getDisplayName(user: { firstName: string; lastName: string }): string {
let displayName = '';

for (let i = 0; i < user.firstName.length; i++) {
displayName = displayName.concat(user.firstName.charAt(i));

displayName = displayName.concat(' ');

for (let i = 0; i < user.lastName.length; i++) {
displayName = displayName.concat(user.lastName.charAt(i));

return displayName;
describe('getDisplayName', () => {
// because we can name these tests, we can describe what the code should be doing
it('should return user\'s full name', () => {
const user = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' };
const actual = getDisplayName(user);

expect(actual).toEqual('John Doe');

Now we are able to refactor the function while being confident that we didn’t break anything:

function getDisplayName(user: { firstName: string; lastName: string }): string {
// test will fail since we accidentally added a ,
return `${user.firstName}, ${user.lastName}`;

Now you see how tests not only assert the desired behavior, but they can and should be used as documentation.

There is a choice of test types you could introduce to help you safely get across.

If you are unsure which might be the right ones for you, please check out this blog post by my colleague Sean Ferguson.

Ideally you should be using more than one type of tests. It is up for you to weigh and decide which fit your needs best, but once you do, it is very important not to cut corners and to invest into keeping a high coverage.

This is the most important investment in our codebase. It will pay the highest dividends and it will keep us safe from failing if we do this part well.

The simplest and fastest tests to write are unit tests, but they are often not enough, because they don’t assert that the users using our system are experiencing it as expected.

You can even use AI tools like Chat GPT to generate unit tests based on production code (although they will not be perfect every time).

This is done by using integration or e2e tests, albeit it takes longer to set them up and to write individual tests, it is often the better investment, since we can rely on them to cover our system from the perspective of anyone using it.

Ok, so you are convinced and you add a test suite which you will maintain. You also added a command to run tests, and you do so before committing your code. That is very nice but what if someone in the team doesn’t do the same? What if they commit and merge code without running tests? 😱

If only there is a way to automate this and make it public.

Chapter 3: tying it all together

Now all these enhancements make sense, and you feel pretty happy about them, but without any forcing functions that make running these mandatory, they don’t bring much value since there will be people bypassing them.

Luckily most code repositories like GitHub provide us with automated workflows that can make it very easy to automate and force these checks and not let code be merged if it doesn’t pass the necessary checks.

Now we can write a workflow that will check all of this for us!

A GitHub workflow that would install run linting, unit and e2e tests would look something like:

name: Linting and Testing

on: [pull_request]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Cancel Previous Runs
uses: styfle/cancel-workflow-[email protected]
access_token: ${{ github.token }}

- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3 # or whatever is the highest version at the time

- name: Setup Node
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.12' # or whatever the latest LTS release is
cache: 'npm'

- name: Install dependencies
run: npm i

- name: Run ESLint check
run: npm run lint:ci # npx eslint "{src,tests}/**/*.ts"

- name: Run unit tests
run: npm run test

- name: Run e2e tests
run: npm run test:e2e

Can we code now?

Yes we can!

But as we said, preparation is half the battle.

The other, longer and harder part, is yet to come and it is paramount to stay disciplined, consistent and to keep it simple. It would be easiest to do so by practicing being pragmatic, having pride and maturity in your approach to work and having a mindset that helps not only yourself but others that you work with grow.

This is best explained by a dear and pragmatic colleague of mine, Stevan Kosijer, in a blog post series starting with Pragmatic Engineer’s Philosophy.


Although we might instinctively think that writing code is the most productive way to initially invest our time in a software development project, without proper setup that is almost never the case. Having confidence in your changes through having automated tests, having enforced rules we find useful and having consistent formatting will greatly impact the velocity and quality of our work.

If your project is integrating with an API, which most likely it is, my honest advice would be to use and SDK. However, if you want a high quality SDK that can be built and updated on demand, along with documentation, tests, and easy integration with your CI/CD pipeline, please check out our product and perhaps even schedule a demo at

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In the realm of software engineering, there exists a unique breed of engineers known as pragmatists. These individuals possess a distinct approach to their craft, blending technical expertise with a grounded mindset that sets them apart from their peers. But what truly sets a pragmatic engineer apart? What is it about their approach that makes them so effective in navigating the complexities of software development?

To answer this we will dive into the provoking thoughts and ideas inspired by the books The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers by Robert C. Martin and The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition) by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt.

At the core of pragmatism lies a set of behaviours that define the pragmatic engineer. One such behaviour is being an early/fast adopter. Pragmatists eagerly embrace new technologies, swiftly grasping their intricacies and staying ahead of the curve.

Curiosity is another characteristic that fuels the pragmatic mindset. Pragmatists are inquisitive souls, always ready to question and seek understanding when faced with unfamiliar concepts or challenges.

Critical thinking is a cornerstone of pragmatism. Rather than accepting solutions at face value, pragmatic engineers apply their analytical minds to evaluate and challenge proposed solutions, always on the lookout for more elegant or efficient alternatives.

Pragmatists also possess a keen sense of realism. They strive to understand the underlying nature of the problems they encounter, grounding their solutions in practicality and addressing the true essence of the challenges they face.

Embracing a broad spectrum of knowledge is another defining trait of the pragmatic engineer. Rather than limiting themselves to a single technology or domain, they actively seek to expand their skill set, becoming a polymath who can adapt to a wide range of contexts.

By understanding these foundational behaviours, we gain some insight into the pragmatic philosophy. It is a mindset that values adaptability, practicality, and a continuous thirst for knowledge. Now let’s explore the intricacies of the pragmatic engineer’s thinking, unraveling the secrets that make them such effective and versatile engineers in the ever-evolving world of software development.

In the first series of the blog post we will delve into the first three key aspects (Cat ate my source code, Just a broken window and Make a stone soup), providing sufficient time for contemplation and assimilation. Subsequently, in the next series of the blog post, we will examine the remaining three aspects (Good-enough software, Knowledge portfolio and Talk the Talk) and conclude with some final thoughts.

Enjoy the enlightening journey ahead.

Cat ate my source code

A cat licking its lips

Can you imagine a cat eating the source code? How does that statement sound to you? Do you find it silly, funny or maybe even stupid? Well, that is the same way your colleagues will feel if you try to make excuses for the mistakes you made. Never make excuses, forget that the word excuse even exists. As a pragmatic engineer you are in complete control of your career and you take full responsibility for the work you do. There’s a saying that if you don’t make mistakes it means that you’re either playing it too safe or you’re not playing at all. Mistakes are inevitable. They are the integral part of doing the work and growing as an engineer. Your team will forgive you for the mistake you made, but they won't forgive or forget if you don't take responsibility for it. It’s how you respond to a mistake that makes all the difference. Accepting that you made a mistake and taking the responsibility publicly is not the most pleasant experience, but you should be truthful, direct and never shy away from it.

Here are some ways that pragmatic engineers deal with mistakes and responsibility:

  • Choosing Options over Excuses:
    • Pragmatic engineers prioritise finding options rather than making excuses.
    • They avoid labelling something as impossible and instead approach challenges with a curious and can-do mindset.
  • Asking Questions and Preparing Options:
    • When faced with a difficult situation, pragmatic engineers ask questions to gain a deeper understanding.
    • They prepare options and alternatives to tackle the problem effectively.
  • Refactoring or Removing Project Parts:
    • Pragmatic engineers consider the possibility of refactoring or removing certain project components if necessary.
    • They investigate, create a plan, assess risks, estimate impacts, and present their findings to the team.
  • Assessing Needs and Implementing Improvements:
    • Pragmatic engineers identify the needs for proof of concept, enhanced testing, automation, or cleaning the code base.
    • They proactively address these requirements to prevent errors and optimize processes.
  • Seeking Resources and Collaboration:
    • Pragmatic engineers are not hesitant to request additional resources or seek help when needed.
    • They aren't afraid to admit when they lack the skills to solve a problem and will ask for help instead.
    • They understand the importance of putting in effort to explore options, ask for support, and leverage available resources.

💡 Just for thought: How do you react when someone gives you a lame excuse? Do you start losing trust?

Just a broken window

Windows in an old building, one if the windows has a broken pane

Why are some projects falling apart and inevitably increasing their technical debt? Even if they have the talented people and the time, so what is the problem? Have you heard about the broken windows theory? The social criminology scientific research states that if a building has just one broken window left un-repaired for a longer period of time, it will create an environment that encourages further window breaking. This is as true in nice neighbourhoods as in rundown ones. Multiple broken windows will create a sense of negligence that will then result with more civil disorder such as trash left out or graffiti on the building walls. In relatively short period the apartment owners will get a sense of hopelessness which will result in negativity spread, creating a contagious depression. As a consequence, that part of the neighbourhood becomes associated with being unsafe, and ultimately, the building gets abandoned.

Here is a reflection of the theory on the technology world:

  • The broken windows theory applies to software engineering projects as well:
    • Un-repaired broken windows such as bad design, wrong decisions, or unclean code contribute to technical debt and system entropy.
    • Technical debt decreases efficiency and throughput of the team and it increases dissatisfaction and frustration, potentially leading to more technical debt and an unsuccessful project outcome.
  • Psychology and culture play a vital role:
    • In projects filled with technical debt, it's easy to pass blame and follow poor examples (easy to say “Well it’s not my fault, I work with what I have, I will just follow the example”).
    • In well-designed projects, a natural inclination arises to maintain cleanliness and tidiness
  • Pragmatic engineers resist causing further damage:
    • They don't allow deadlines, high-priority issues, or crises to push them into increasing the project's collateral damage.
    • They adhere to The Boy Scout Rule from the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin.
    • They diligently track broken windows and create concrete plans to fix them.
    • They don't think “I'll improve this later”, and trust that it will be done. They create tasks for things to be tracked and tackled in the future.
    • They demonstrate care, effort, and a resolve to address known issues.

💡 Just for thought: What did you do the last time you saw a broken window in your project? Did you do some action to repair it or did you look the other way and thought it’s not my fault that it’s broken?

Make a stone soup

A bowl of yellow soup with a sprig of rosemary and a stone in it

In a well-known European folk story, hungry strangers visit a village seeking food. The villagers refuse to assist, so the strangers, having only an empty cooking pot, light a fire. They place the pot on the fire, filling it with water and a large stone. As the strangers gather around the boiling pot, the villagers, being curious, slowly start approaching and asking questions. The strangers tell the villagers that they are preparing a “stone soup” and even though it’s a complete meal on it’s own they encourage them to bring some vegetables to make it even better. The first villager, who anticipates enjoying a share of the soup, brings a few carrots from his home. Quickly after, follows the second and the third villager bringing their share of onions and potatoes. Becoming even more convinced by the actions of the first three, more and more villagers start bringing tomatoes, sweetcorn, beef, salt and pepper. Finally, making sure that the soup is ready, the strangers remove the stone and serve a meal to everyone present.

What is the moral of this story?

Would you say that the villagers got tricked into sharing their food?

Why is it important in the context of software engineering?

The tale teaches a moral lesson about the power of collaboration and generosity. However, in the context of software engineering, the story could be used as an analogy to emphasise the importance of teamwork and resourcefulness in problem-solving. Just as the strangers in the story creatively used their limited resources to provide a solution, software engineers often need to think outside the box and work together to overcome challenges and deliver successful projects.

Here’s how pragmatic engineers make the stone soup:

  • Challenging Others and Communicating Vision:
    • Pragmatic engineers face the challenge of rallying others to contribute and align with their vision.
    • They draw inspiration from the tale of stone soup, emphasising the importance of proactivity and resourcefulness.
  • Acting as Catalysts for Change:
    • Pragmatic engineers take the initiative to create an initial proof of concept and lift ideas off the ground.
    • They actively work towards gaining buy-in from their colleagues.
  • Inspiring Others and Transforming Vision into Reality:
    • By presenting a glimpse of a promising future, pragmatic engineers inspire others to join their cause.
    • They collectively work to transform the shared vision into reality.
  • Creating a Win-Win Situation:
    • Through their efforts, pragmatic engineers create a win-win situation that benefits everyone involved.

💡 Just for thought: Have you ever made a stone soup for your team? How did they react?

End of part one

Are you filled with anticipation to discover the remaining aspects? If so, consider yourself fortunate as the second part of the blog series is just around the corner. Take this time to reflect on the insightful aspects discussed in this blog. Challenge yourself to apply at least one of the ideas you found most intriguing. Remember to hold yourself accountable and engage in self-reflection after a few weeks to assess your progress. Even a slight enhancement can lead to significant growth. Allow these concepts to simmer in your mind, ready to inspire your actions.

Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

Saint Francis of Assisi

In the upcoming blog post we will explore deeper into the topics of Good-enough software, Knowledge portfolio and Talk the talk.

Until next time, stay sharp!

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What is Technical Debt?

Some people see technical debt as a list of missing features, but it should be a list of the problems that you know you have to vs want to solve. The list can vary but should include known bugs and errors in your code. It should also include how readable your code is and any bloat you might carry. Slowness in build and execution time needs consideration as well.

The point of figuring out your technical debt ahead of time is that you need to be honest with yourself. The more problems we have to solve, the less we get to work on problems we want to solve. So we treat technical debt the same as financial debt, by paying it down while avoiding more.

The rule of thumb should always be to pay off your debts first, then start accumulating assets because you don’t want to try to pay for assets when you have debts holding you down.

Why do we get into Technical Debt?

What is Debt? We tend to think of financial debt more than other kinds of debts, like social or technical. Debt is a tool that's used to leverage your ability to do more in less time, it's not a bad thing unless it's abused. It can have destructive consequences if ignored as it compounds on itself over time. Too much leverage can be a bad thing.

All debt must get paid off by someone in time, when you accumulate technical debt, it may be the developer that comes after you who must pay it off. This perverse incentive is why debt can be dangerous in any setting. As the old Levantine Proverb says “The Debtor is slave to the Lender” which means you will lose power over your code.

The mantra "Move fast and break things" is a popular saying in our industry because it helps us move forward. It's more akin to "Put it on the credit card" if you think of it in technical terms because what you're saying is fix it later. In the meantime, every break has a cost that needs payment and so the more you break it the more you pay for it so to speak.

“Procrastination is the souls attempt to rebel against entrapment” - Nassim Taleb

Wanting to have something done now vs waiting until later is a big reason people get into debt. They ignore what they know they need to do in place of what they want, or they procrastinate to feel good. They don't want to feel trapped by their responsibilities.

Humans also have a tendency to overestimate their own abilities, we are not good at estimating risk. The reason we underestimate risks is that otherwise, indecision would paralyze us. So putting off problems we know we need to solve for later makes us assume that we can solve those problems later. Worse, it makes us assume we can solve those problems in a much more limited timeframe than if we had done it sooner.

So as developers we are always adding technical debt to make it easier on ourselves now. We don't realize we are punishing either our future selves or those that come into the project after us.

What is a Technical Asset?

A Technical Asset does not mean future-proofing or building a feature early, but rather an early problem solved. It's an investment into a known problem that from experience you know that you, or those that come after you, will have. The only way to know if it's not future-proofing is through experience, if you've had the problem then it's an asset.

In the same way experience will tell you whether a financial asset will make you money. It's a bet. Not every investment into an asset will pay off in the way you want it to, or for your own personal benefit. The point is not to stop investing in assets, but rather to teach people how to spot good from bad investments.

The accumulation of financial assets gives you freedom in life. In much the same way technical assets give you the freedom to code without the fear of regression. You get to choose what problems you want to solve when you invest in technical assets upfront.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit” - Greek Proverb

You're building technical assets for others more than for yourself and this is why it's hard to do. In software development, we like to get to the root of the answer quickly and so we make life easier for ourselves now. We tend to not think about our future selves or others who will take over the project after us.

Yet many of the greatest stories in technology development come from the opposite.

  • Amazon AWS was an asset that came at the very end of an expensive mono codebase debt payoff.
  • Facebook made investments in React and Open Compute to fix scalability.
  • Google Instant reinvented caching as an investment into what seemed impossible.

They had to first pay off their technical debt before they could build assets. These were not core products or features, but they prioritized a known problem ahead of time.

Investing in an SDK is a Technical Asset

At liblab we are in the asset building business.

If you build API’s as an organization then our job is to help you to automate your SDK build process and provide you with technical assets that you can release to your customers.

You do the part of documenting your API’s correctly using OpenAPI spec, Postman collections or GraphQL schema and we do the hard work of building long term technical assets that you don’t have to manage and instead can promote to your customers.

How to find other Technical Assets to Invest in?

Much like picking any investment asset, you have to plan and discuss it like investors. Present a prospectus about what the investment would look like and the tradeoffs. In the software world, we would write a Request for Comment or RFC to break down the idea in a way that can be peer reviewed.

You want to instill a process that creates forcing functions that limit the scope of work. Don't let your investment go off the rails without first enforcing tests and coverage. The earlier you are at enforcing linting for code readability the more proactive you will be. Building out automated CI/CD and managed deploys ensure less pain for your company long term.

Avoid survivor bias in determining a good investment by remembering the Lindy Effect:

“If a book has been in print for forty years, I can expect it to be in print for another forty years. But, and that is the main difference, if it survives another decade, then it will be expected to be in print another fifty years. This, simply, as a rule, tells you why things that have been around for a long time are not ‘aging’ like persons, but ‘aging’ in reverse. Every year that passes without extinction doubles the additional life expectancy. This is an indicator of some robustness. The robustness of an item is proportional to its life!”

Just like any bad real world investment might force companies and organizations out of the market entirely, a bad technical investment might do the same for tech companies. So although it may be counter intuitive in the software industry to choose stuff that’s been around for a while, the best approach might be to invest in implementations that have proven themselves sturdy over time.

In conclusion, you have to pick the processes that have been proven effective over time and across companies. Adopting those successful processes as technical assets allows you to accrue them for yourselves but not at the expense of paying off your technical debts beforehand. Paying your debts off early will give you the freedoms you need to work on code you want to work on instead of stuff you know you have to. This discipline helps you avoid the “put it on the credit card” mindset earlier in your process.